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  • Power electronics basics
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  • Duration:44 minutes and 5 seconds
  • Date:2017/04/17
  • Uploader:老白菜
Power electronics technology is a technology that integrates control, electricity, and electronics. It uses high-power electronic devices to efficiently transform energy and control its output, thereby providing the required power for various electrical equipment. Its core is the conversion of electrical energy forms, which ultimately converts the power frequency electrical energy of the power grid into electrical energy of different properties and uses. In order to adapt to the different needs of ever-changing electrical devices, frequency conversion technology is an efficient energy-saving measure for fixed power frequencies. Basics of Power Electronics 42 Lectures Southeast University Video Tutorial Power frequency can be said to be the best frequency for power generation, but it is not the best frequency for all electrical equipment, resulting in many equipment operating in low efficiency and low power factor for a long time. The power devices that can improve the efficiency of electricity consumption to a great extent, reduce the power consumption rate, reduce line losses, reduce the emission of pollutants, and provide a sustained, reliable, and high-quality power system are mainly thyristors and devices derived from it. With the combination of microelectronics technology and electronic power technology, many new devices have been produced. For example: it can turn off thyristors, power transistors, high-power field effect transistors, etc. The general development trend: large capacity, high frequency, modularization, and power integration. Power electronic circuits are based on power electronic devices as the core, and realize the conversion and control of electrical energy through different circuits and various controls. Electronic power circuits mainly include: DC-AC conversion circuit: a circuit that converts DC power into AC power, also known as an inverter circuit. (3) DC-DC conversion circuit: A circuit that converts fixed DC power into adjustable DC power, also known as DC chopper circuit. AC-AC conversion circuit: A circuit that converts AC power of a certain frequency into AC power with adjustable amplitude, frequency or phase.
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