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TMS320DM365 Digital Media Processor Example

Total of 1 lesson ,2 minutes and 35 seconds

Based on the new TMS320DM365 digital media processor based on DaVinci technology, DM365 is highly integrated with many components, including H.264, MPEG-4, MPEG-2, MJPEG and VCl codecs that meet production requirements, and can meet the requirements of intelligent Integrated image signal processing (ISP) solutions for video processing functions, as well as a range of onboard peripherals, enable developers to reduce system costs by 25%.
Features and advantages of DM365:
· ARM926 can achieve a rate of up to 300MHz with one S core, while also handing over video encoding and decoding tasks to the integrated high-definition video accelerator
· Multi-format, multi-rate high-definition video supports H. 264, MPEG 1, MPEG 2, MJPEG and VC1 codecs;
· On-chip ISP supports image enhancement
technologies such as noise filtering, video stabilization, face detection, automatic white balance, auto focus, automatic exposure and edge enhancement;
· Integrated external (EMAC, USB 2.0Phy, 16-bit DDR2, voice codec, real-time clock, and three 10-bit DACs) to reduce board size;
· Production-ready royalty-free codec bundles and advanced audio and video bundles Reduces development complexity and accelerates time to market

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