• Duration:31 minutes and 15 seconds
  • Date:2017/03/18
  • Uploader:老白菜
Guangzhou Chuanglong has provided a large amount of C6748/OMAPL138 development materials. It is the company with the most complete C6748/OMAPL138 materials in the industry. It provides video tutorials and created a new situation in C6748/OMAPL138 platform development. There are currently 81 C6748 routines, including face recognition, number recognition, FFT, FIR, IIR, NDK, WebServer and other practical routines. It also contains a detailed dual-core development process.

OMAPL138 is a new DSP+ARM industrial processor launched by Texas Instruments (TI) in the United States. This chip is also the industry's lowest power-consuming floating-point digital signal processor (DSP) + ARM9 processor, which greatly reduces the difficulty of developing dual-core communication. Fully meet the needs of industrial applications for high energy efficiency and connectivity design for highly integrated peripherals, lower heat dissipation and longer battery life. Not only does it have a Universal Parallel Port (uPP), it is also one of TI's first devices to integrate the Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA).
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