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Raspberry Pi GPIO basics

Total of 3 lessons ,30 minutes and 50 seconds

Course background:
GPIO is one of the most powerful features of the Raspberry Pi. It is also one of the physical interfaces for the Raspberry Pi to interact with the outside world. In the real world, most of the various wonderful projects you can imagine based on the Raspberry Pi are related to the GPIO interface. Mastering the knowledge of Raspberry Pi's GPIO interface programming is what you need from inside the Raspberry Pi. A door to the outside world is very important.

Core content:
1. Information about the GPIO interface of Raspberry Pi
2. Basic usage of gpio tools in the WiringPi development library
3. Fritzing auxiliary design tool Basic

software environment: Arch Linux ARM

Whether materials are provided: Yes

Course level: Beginner

Suitable for the crowd:
Yes Basic Linux usage knowledge, people who are interested in geek toys

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