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Ladder diagram of spraying process at 5# station

Source: InternetPublisher:spectrum Keywords: BSP computer electric motor Updated: 2021/01/21

18.5# station spraying process ladder diagram.gif

The PLC ladder diagram that completes the information transfer between the PLC and the computer
is shown in the figure.   The instructions are as follows:
  1) When the photoelectric switch of the 5# station detects the signal of the arrival of the ceramic blank , on the one hand, the 5# motor stops, and on the other hand, it sends the ceramic
blank in place signal RP to the computer.
    2) After the computer receives this signal, it immediately sends a response signal ARP to the PLC to respond to the ceramic blank in place. At the same time, it sends corresponding signals to the robot controller and the turntable
servo system. After the PLC receives the ARP signal, the electromagnet clamps the tray and moves the ceramic blank. The blank position signal is reset, and then the computer
and turntable operate according to the programmed program.
    3) After spraying is completed. The computer sends the spraying completion signal SF to the PLC. After the PLC receives this signal, it sends the corresponding spraying completion signal ASF to the computer , and at the same time the central electromagnet is released. After a delay of 0.5s, the 5# motor starts and the ceramic blank is sent out.     (4) Conclusion The PLC automatic control system of the robot glazing production line has been installed and debugged on site. It is running well and has basically achieved the expected goals. It has given full play to the advantages of reliable operation, flexible control and convenient maintenance of the PLC control system. Its successful application shows that PLC has great achievements in the technological transformation of traditional industries.




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