• Duration:1 minutes and 29 seconds
  • Date:2016/12/01
  • Uploader:量子阱
Bixi is a gesture remote control developed by the Bluemint team that looks like a watch face. There is an optical sensor inside that can distinguish different gesture movements. Connect to the smartphone via Bluetooth. After the connection, operate the APP and communicate with other smart devices via wifi. After the connection is successful, you can control electronic products by waving your palm up, down, left, and right. The gestures can be set as needed within the 25CM range.
The Bixi shell is made of silicone and plastic, and the screen is made of special scratch-resistant and shatter-resistant glass. It can be used continuously for 30 days after a full charge. It is small and exquisite and can be adsorbed or hung for use, which is very convenient.
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