• Duration:24 minutes and 32 seconds
  • Date:2014/11/25
  • Uploader:dongcuipin
keywords: Atmel AVR
 From the perspective of ease of use, low power consumption and high integration, Atmel AVR 8-bit and 32-bit microcontrollers complement Atmel ARM microcontrollers and microprocessors, fully embodying high performance, high power efficiency and design The perfect fusion of flexibility and other features. The solution uses the industry's most code-efficient architecture for C and assembly language programming and is optimized to accelerate time to market. No other microcontroller offers higher computing performance and better power efficiency. Industry-leading development tools and design support so you can get your products to market faster. The wide range of AVR products allows you to leverage your knowledge and experience when improving your products and opening up new markets - easily and cost-effectively.
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