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Seminar: TI - RSLK Chinese version of the robot kit, a low-cost start to the practical journey of electronic engineering courses

Total of 2 lessons ,1 hours and 8 minutes and 55 seconds

TI-RSLK Chinese version is an introductory mobile robot kit that can help you understand the composition and working methods of the robot system. The Chinese version of TI-RSLK is based on the TI MSP432 processor and includes DC motors, encoders and different types of sensors. TI-RSLK Chinese version contains a complete course with 20 chapters, covering various contents from basic introduction to electronic system to advanced application and design. The Chinese version of TI-RSLK is fully compatible with the hardware modules and course content settings of the international version. In terms of hardware, the Chinese version of TI-RSLK has re-optimized some circuits to improve performance and reliability, while providing a full set of Chinese courses to facilitate learning. For more courses, please visit: https://training.eeworld.com.cn/TI/tag/RSLK

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