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  • Toshiba industrial-grade optical anti-shake security camera solution
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  • Duration:2 minutes and 16 seconds
  • Date:2016/03/10
  • Uploader:RichCastle
keywords: Toshiba
Toshiba Online Exhibition 2016
recommended development platforms for bioelectrical signal sensing, automotive fuel pump/water pump control solutions, recommended development platforms for bioelectrical signal sensing, Nand Flash, high-efficiency energy-saving power MOSFET, brushless for automotive EPS Motor pre-driver IC, automotive air conditioning solutions, automotive audio solutions, Visconti image recognition solutions for automotive applications, electric door mirror controller driver IC, electronic toll collection system (ETC), vehicle display controller Capricorn, vehicle diagnostics System (OBD), vehicle electric power steering ECU, Toshiba industrial-grade optical anti-shake security camera solution, air purification and electrolytic sterilization water, video dynamic range enhancer, high-power devices suitable for industrial-level fields, high reliability, energy saving , space-saving optocoupler optical relay, efficient inverter solution, TMPM343, Toshiba low-power Bluetooth distributed network, Toshiba storage product eSSD HDD, Toshiba interface conversion chip (MPD) product, SSD with new standard interface, industrial automobile Using eMMC, SDHC memory cards equipped with near field communication (NFC) technology, SDHC memory cards supporting Wi-Fi, Toshiba storage supporting the information society, new small package technology NVMe SSD, wireless power transmission IC, used for bioelectric signals Recommendation of sensor development platform, short-range wireless transmission technology,

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