Recently I wrote a PWM signal with adjustable frequency and duty cycle, with an accuracy of 1HZ. I also need to generate another complementary PWM signal with a dead zone, but I don't know how to writ
I have never used a GPS module before, but I don't know where to start when I got one today. Does anyone have a 51 MCU program to read the data of the American Trimble Lassen IQ GPS module 46240-25? P
[i=s]This post was last edited by symic on 2022-8-6 23:08[/i]I haven't touched Bear Pie for a long time. I learned the southbound development process some time ago, mainly focusing on driver developme
Why is B limited to the range of plus or minus 32MB of the current instruction? Also, ARM instructions are word-aligned, and the lowest 2 bits of the address are fixed to 0. What does this mean? I loo
I wonder if anyone has ever worked with I2C. I haven't done it before, and I want to try it. I saw the example code of 1114 a few days ago and got a general idea. I've been thinking about studying it