• Duration:31 minutes and 30 seconds
  • Date:2023/09/24
  • Uploader:桂花蒸
keywords: PCB allegro x-net
In high-speed designs, signal line length matching is usually required based on timing considerations. For Allegro PCB designers, we often mention X-NET when we are equal lengths. Using the X-NET function, we can quickly calculate the equal lengths of multi-point topology structures, and can also calculate the equal length errors of data groups. , very convenient, but I found that in the process of teaching many students, many people do not know how to use this function, so we will take the time to make a special topic this time to explain it to you in detail.
Course outline:
1. What is X-NET
2. How is X-NET created and applied
3. What are the advantages of X-NET and other equal-length methods
4. Communication, interaction, and question answering
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