The application of single-chip microcomputer in electronic products has become more and more extensive. Temperature detection and temperature control are also used in many electronic products, but tho
I saw a post on the forum a few days ago about testing workplace maturity, and I want to confide in you.One of my colleagues had already submitted his resignation to the leader before the New Year's D
I want to develop Porket PC 2003 software under VS2005. There is an option of Porket PC 2003 in the form of creating a smart device project. But when debugging, it prompts "Error:Cannot open file 'c:\
With more features and smaller size, today's mobile phone PCBs are more complex than previous phones, and there is more and more "noise" inside. In many cases, the speaker is close to the antenna, and
I want to ask about #define FOSC (12000000UL) /* Oscillator frequency */ In this file, the external oscillator frequency is defined as 12MHZ. I searched the entire project file and it seems that there