The specific situation is as follows: I wrote an Ethernet protocol frame of UDP protocol on the lower computer and sent it to the computer. The SPYNET network sniffer can receive it, but the TCP/UDP s
Based on WINCE6.0 platform, use camera to identify barsProject budget:¥5,000~20,000
Development cycle: 10 days
Project Category: Embedded
Bidding requirements:Project tags:camera recognition barcode r
New Year's Day is here, and the Spring Festival can't be far behind. On this occasion of festive occasions, please allow EEWorld to send the most sincere blessings and... ahem, tangible feedback to ou
I bought an MSP430 microcontroller and emulator, which came with a CD. I installed the driver and set up the file directory 430\drivers\TIUSBFET\WinXP, but it still shows that Windows cannot find the
How to describe it? I really am... The picture is below. The process is like this: Our company has several devices, using AC220V50HZ rectification and filtering. It has always been used this way. But