Home > Power Circuits > Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of electrolytic capacitor-free LED power supply

Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of electrolytic capacitor-free LED power supply

Source: InternetPublisher:通通 Keywords: power supply Updated: 2020/06/22

We all know that electrolytic capacitor is a type of capacitor. The metal foil is the positive electrode (aluminum or tantalum). The oxide film (aluminum oxide or tantalum pentoxide) close to the positive electrode is the dielectric. The cathode is made of conductive material and electrolyte (electrolyte can It is composed of liquid or solid) and other materials. Because the electrolyte is the main part of the cathode, the electrolytic capacitor gets its name. At the same time, the positive and negative electrolytic capacitors cannot be connected incorrectly. Aluminum electrolytic capacitors can be divided into four categories: lead type aluminum electrolytic capacitors; horn type aluminum electrolytic capacitors; bolt type aluminum electrolytic capacitors; solid aluminum electrolytic capacitors.

In the minds of ordinary people, the life of LED itself is already very high, but the actual life is very low, which is often caused by the low life of the power supply. The life of the power supply often depends on the life of the electrolytic capacitor. Because it is generally believed that the life of electrolytic capacitors is very low. If the constant current source has no electrolytic capacitor at all, then its lifespan must be very long. What's more, the power factor can be improved after removing the electrolytic capacitor. Therefore, various types of constant current sources without electrolytic capacitors attract a lot of people's attention.

Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of electrolytic capacitor-free LED power supply




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