I have a small segment LCD. There is a layer of transparent plastic paper under the glass. I forgot to put it back when I took it apart to check its structure last time. Without this paper, the LCD ca
When ADC software filters, there is a method called "venetian blinds" filtering. Does anyone know this method? Please help explain it. Thank you very much!
We used 2812 before. Now we put the modified program into 28335 and found that we can't enter the timer interrupt at all.[This post was last edited by Siyuanhupan on 2009-3-5 07:39 PM]
After creating the task, execute OSStart(), call OSStartHighRdy() in OSStart(), but OSStartHighRdy() function is not executed and jumps directly to the end of main function. What is the reason? Thank
[url=home.php?mod=space&uid=530197]@RCSN[/url] [url=https://en.eeworld.com/bbs/thread-507037-1-1.html][size=3] Notes for beginners learning Raspberry Pi 3 (1) - Three ways to obtain Raspberry Pi CPU i