I have already made the circuit, but I don't know how to write the program. Can anyone help me and give me some advice? Thank you! Another problem is that when I annotate the PCB network table, an err
1 Introduction With the development of embedded microcomputer control technology and fieldbus technology, the process control of modern trains has developed from a centralized direct digital control s
Ideally, the power management system would be almost completely transparent to as many layers of the software stack as possible. In fact, this is the route that Transmeta has taken in its Crusoe archi
Because I didn't debug successfully yesterday morning, I was upset and couldn't sleep well, so I got up before 2 o'clock this morning to continue debugging. Finally, I found the BUG of yesterday, whic
EXTI0_IRQChannel cannot pass when compiled with nvic, but can be compiled when changed to EXTI0_IRQn. This is probably a problem with the library function. I don't know the specific situation, but it