Because I didn't debug successfully yesterday morning, I was upset and couldn't sleep well, so I got up before 2 o'clock this morning to continue debugging. Finally, I found the BUG of yesterday, which turned out to be a problem with the serial port parameter configuration. Here is the code first.
- #! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import time import datetime import threading import binascii import platform import logging import serial import SerialDeal import serialMainUI if platform.system() == "Windows": from import list_ports elif platform.system() == "Linux": import glob, os, re import wx import wx.xrc logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)s %(message)s', datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S') class MainSerialUI(serialMainUI.serialFrame): def __init__(self, master): super(MainSerialUI, self).__init__() self.ser = None self.receive_count = 0 self.receive_data = "" self.list_box_serial = None def __del__(self): if platform.system() == "Linux": try: self.ser.SetStopEvent() except: pass def m_openserOnButtonClick( self, event ): try: self.port = self.m_comset.GetValue() #print ("com is %s" % self.port) self.baudrate = self.m_comboBox2.GetValue() #print ("buadrate is %s" % self.baudrate) self.parity = self.m_comboBox4.GetValue() #print ("parity is %s" % self.parity) self.databit = self.m_comboBox3.GetValue() #print ("databit is %s" % self.databit) self.stopbit = self.m_comboBox5.GetValue() #print ("stopbit is %s" % self.stopbit) self.ser = SerialDeal.serDeal(Port=self.port, BaudRate=self.baudrate, ByteSize=self.databit, Parity=self.parity, Stopbits=self.stopbit) self.ser.start() if self.ser.alive: print 'succes' self.thread_read = threading.Thread(target=self.SerRead) self.thread_read.setDaemon(True) self.thread_read.start() else: print '0' except Exception as e: #logging.error(e) print u'Failed to open serial port' def SerRead(self): try: n = self.ser.serSer.inWaiting() if n: self.receive_data +="00"), "") if self.ser.thresholdValue <= len(self.receive_data): self.receive_count += 1 # Whether the received display is Hex if self.m_rcvBox.get() == 1: self.receive_data = self.space_b2a_hex(self.receive_data) self.m_rcvtext.insert("end", "[" + str( + " - " + str(self.receive_count) + "]:\n", "green") self.m_rcvtext.insert(" end", self.receive_data + "\n") self.m_rcvtext.see("end") self.receive_data = "" except Exception as e: logging.error(e) self.receive_data = "" self.ser.stop() self.ser = None def m_clrRcvTextOnButtonClick( self, event ): self.m_rcvtext.Clear() event.Skip() def space_b2a_hex(self, data): ''' format Example of the received data string: 123 --> 31 32 33 ''' new_data_list = list() new_data = "" hex_data = binascii.b2a_hex(data) temp_data = "" for index,value in enumerate(hex_data): temp_data += value if len(temp_data) == 2: new_data_list.append(temp_data) temp_data = "" for index,value in enumerate(new_data_list): if index%25 == 0 and index != 0: new_data += "\n" new_data += value new_data += " " return new_data def m_send1butOnButtonClick( self, event ): if self.ser.alive: send_data = self.m_textCtrl5.GetValue() #try: def m_clr1butOnButtonClick( self, event ): self.m_textCtrl5.Clear() def main(): app = wx. App() MainSerialUI(app).Show(True) app.MainLoop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
复制代码This code, combined with the previous two codes, can run the serial port receiving. I am very excited. There is still the serial port sending that has not been debugged. I will finish it another day and upload it to everyone again. Here is a description of the BUG: There are a lot of # comments in my code, which I use to confirm which step went wrong during debugging. You can also try this debugging method. ]This content is originally created by EEWORLD forum user
star_66666. If you want to reprint or use it for commercial purposes, you must obtain the author's consent and indicate the sourceb2a_hex(data) temp_data = "" for index,value in enumerate(hex_data): temp_data += value if len(temp_data) == 2: new_data_list.append(temp_data) temp_data = "" for index,value in enumerate(new_data_list) : if index%25 == 0 and index != 0: new_data += "\n" new_data += value new_data += " " return new_data def m_send1butOnButtonClick( self, event ): if self.ser.alive: send_data = self.m_textCtrl5.GetValue() #try: def m_clr1butOnButtonClick( self, event ): self.m_textCtrl5.Clear () def main(): app = wx.App() MainSerialUI(app).Show(True) app.MainLoop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()[/code] This code, combined with the previous two codes, can run the serial port receiving. I am very excited. There is still the serial port sending that has not been debugged. I will finish it another day and upload it to everyone again. Here is a description of the BUG: There are a lot of # comments in my code, which I use to confirm which step went wrong during debugging. You can also try this debugging method. ]This content is originally created by EEWORLD forum user
star_66666. If you want to reprint or use it for commercial purposes, you must obtain the author's consent and indicate the sourceb2a_hex(data) temp_data = "" for index,value in enumerate(hex_data): temp_data += value if len(temp_data) == 2: new_data_list.append(temp_data) temp_data = "" for index,value in enumerate(new_data_list) : if index%25 == 0 and index != 0: new_data += "\n" new_data += value new_data += " " return new_data def m_send1butOnButtonClick( self, event ): if self.ser.alive: send_data = self.m_textCtrl5.GetValue() #try: def m_clr1butOnButtonClick( self, event ): self.m_textCtrl5.Clear () def main(): app = wx.App() MainSerialUI(app).Show(True) app.MainLoop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()[/code] This code, combined with the previous two codes, can run the serial port receiving. I am very excited. There is still the serial port sending that has not been debugged. I will finish it another day and upload it to everyone again. Here is a description of the BUG: There are a lot of # comments in my code, which I use to confirm which step went wrong during debugging. You can also try this debugging method. ]This content is originally created by EEWORLD forum user
star_66666. If you want to reprint or use it for commercial purposes, you must obtain the author's consent and indicate the source