How to use ICETEK-5100PP in CCS software to read the binary code in the chip and save the chip content on the computer for next use. Thank you for your answer
CopyrightPrentice Hall Modern Semiconductor Design SeriesPrefaceTo the AudienceTo the InstructorOrganization of the BookErrataAcknowledgmentsAbout the AuthorChapter 1.An Invitation to Design Verificat
Generally, detecting a key can be done like this:while(1){SysCtlDelay(SysCtlClockGet()/30); //Delay 100mstemp=GPIOPinRead(GPIO_PORTD_BASE,GPIO_PIN_5);if(temp==0){temp=1; SysCtlDelay(SysCtlClockGet()/3
Shanghai Jiao Tong University is planning to issue three certificates to graduates - an academic transcript, a certificate of competence, and a "personality certificate". Liu Yuxiang, director of the
[i=s]This post was last edited by dontium on 2015-1-23 13:30[/i] [b]News background[/b]: [i]On June 9, TI announced the industry's first single-chip passive infrared (IR) MEMS temperature sensor, whic