According to sound design practices, optocouplers provide effective insulation for medical devices, protecting patients from potential leakage current hazards. Medical diagnostic, measurement and trea
I made two atmega8 minimum system boards. Why do they output square waves after each definition? Is it necessary to set the fuse position to 4M when using an external crystal oscillator?
stmhal/usbd_cdc_interface: Change CDC RX to use a circular buffer.This should be a little more efficient (since we anyway scan the input
packet for the interrupt char), and it should also fix any non-
GigaDevice GD32E231 DIY Contest—— An introductory example of IoT based on MQTT message communication GD32E231+ESP8266 implements Wi-Fi remote temperature and humidity acquisition, control and network
The following is a TMS320C2x program that generates a 10KHz positive pulse on the XF pin. PRD .set 3 IMR .set 4. . text LDPK 0 LALK #999 SACL PRD ;Set timer period register = 999 LACL #8 0R IMR SACL I