• Duration:1 minutes and 49 seconds
  • Date:2021/09/24
  • Uploader:hi5
The Internet of Things Innovation Design Competition organized by ON Semiconductor, Avnet and EEWorld has finally come to an end after a year due to the postponement of the epidemic. There are many design works in this competition that are creative and novel, some are down-to-earth, and some are thoughtful. I would like to express my special thanks to the hard-working and lovely engineers. It is your love for electronics that constantly changes every detail of life, allowing technology to change life and shine into reality. At this award ceremony, you can not only listen to and observe the creativity and works of the award-winning designers, but also have a deeper understanding of the characteristics and performance of the industry's ultra-low power consumption RSL10 Bluetooth SoC development board, helping you to quickly develop related designs. Get started.
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