Under normal conditions, only a small current flows through a reverse-biased PN junction. This leakage current remains constant until the reverse voltage exceeds a certain value, after which the PN ju
ESP is the abbreviation of Electronic Stability Program, which is translated into Chinese as "electronic stability program". It is a general term for systems or programs that are designed to improve t
The advent of massive MIMO has created new RF challenges for base station hardware, and new wireless technologies are facilitating the development of 5G wireless technologies. As a result, 5G infrastr
When doing my graduation project, I needed to bring an external LCD. I used LCD12864, but found that the LCD would show garbled characters after a while. Finally, I found that the IO port was burned.
I use two 8M NOR FLASH, one sector is 64k, and I want to make a file system to read and write data. Now I directly manage the flash address classification to save data, which wastes a lot of space. Pl