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Live replay: TI Wireless Scenery Wearable Seminar

Total of 3 lessons ,3 minutes and 3 seconds

Wearable devices are increasingly demanding low power consumption, chip packaging size requirements are getting smaller and smaller, MCU computing power requirements are getting higher and higher, dynamic heart rate solutions are in demand, wireless charging or fast charging, TI Bluetooth chip CC2640R2, battery Management solution, heart rate measurement analog front-end AFE44xx series chips will help you develop low-power, high-performance smart wearable devices. The world is changing too fast, seize the moment; here, we only talk about the essentials!
. Introduction to TI Bluetooth CC2640R2F
. Key points of low-power design of wearable devices
. Derived from the application of multi-master and multi-slave in smart wearable devices
. Small size, low-power power supply solution

. Heart rate measurement analog front-end solution


Michael Qian , TI wireless connection microcontroller application engineer, with 5 years of experience in technical support for embedded wireless products, will analyze the design points under the new trend of wireless wearable devices for you;
Richard Tang , TI battery management application expert, with 14 years of experience in the industry, will provide you with in-depth insights Analyze small-sized, low-power power supply solutions;
Haroad Chen , TI analog signal chain application engineer, specializes in medical and industrial control solutions


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