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  • Improvement of power factor
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  • Duration:43 minutes and 33 seconds
  • Date:2021/06/14
  • Uploader:老白菜
01 Physical phenomena and circuit models in circuits, basic physical quantities in circuits

02 Resistance, capacitance, inductance components and characteristics

03 Digital multimeter to measure resistance

04 Independent power supply in the circuit, Kirchhoff's law

05 Kirchhoff's law micro course

06 Circuit Summary of the basic concepts and laws of circuits, exercise lesson (1)

07 Summary of the basic concepts and laws of circuits, exercise lesson (2)

08 Series and parallel equivalent transformation of resistors; star-angle transformation of resistors; equivalent transformation of power supply

09 Power supply The

equivalent transformation

of ​ ​ ​1) 16 Phasor representation of sinusoidal quantity (2), phasor form of basic circuit laws 17 Impedance and admittance 18 Phasor method solution of sinusoidal AC circuit 19 Power and calculation, power factor and improvement of sinusoidal AC circuit 20 Resonant circuit 21 Mutual inductance circuit (1) 22 Mutual inductance circuit (2) 23 Calculation of ideal transformer and circuit 24 Three-phase power supply and three-phase load 25 Calculation of three-phase power 26 Calculation of symmetrical three-phase circuit 27 Characteristics and analysis of asymmetrical three-phase circuit 28 Harmonic analysis of non-sinusoidal signals, harmonic analysis of non-sinusoidal signals effective value, average value, average power 29 Analysis of non-sinusoidal periodic current circuits 30 Dynamic process and dynamic response of the circuit 31 Determination of the initial conditions of the circuit 32 Solving the first order Three-element method of circuit dynamic response 33 Classification of first-order circuit response 34 Step response of first-order circuit 35 Laplace transform and its basic properties 36 Partial fraction expansion method of inverse Laplace transform 37 Complexity of linear circuits Frequency domain method to solve 38 Equations and parameters of two-port network (1) 39 Equations and parameters of two-port network (2) 40 Equivalent circuit of two-port network, cascade of two-port network 41 Nonlinear resistor components and their characteristics, Graphical method of nonlinear circuit 42 Small signal analysis method of nonlinear resistor circuit 43 Application of superposition theorem 44 Thevenin's theorem - determination of equivalent parameters of active two-terminal network 45 Simulation application: DC circuit analysis 46 Improvement of power factor 47 AC Mutual inductance in circuits 48 Measurement of three-phase circuits

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