• Duration:51 minutes and 30 seconds
  • Date:2021/05/06
  • Uploader:hi5
With the continuous innovation of technology, the technological revolution and product iteration of component products have been accelerated, resulting in the continuous shortening of the life cycle of component products. As a result, users will receive end-of-life (EOL) notifications from original manufacturers more frequently.
However, the user's product life cycle often extends far beyond the life cycle of semiconductor components. Especially for some special application fields (such as aerospace, communications, medical, industrial control, military and other industries), this problem not only continues to trouble the majority of design engineers, but also brings huge potential risks to component supply chain management. and challenges.
So, standing at the crossroads between last-time-buy and redesign, how should you make a decision? Rochester Electronics' semiconductor full-cycle solutions may be able to help you and promote the sustainable development of your business.
Rochester Electronics will provide you with corresponding solutions based on different stages of the product life cycle. By detailing Rochester Electronics' comprehensive production service capabilities, including chip design, wafer manufacturing, packaging, testing, reliability verification and original IP design archiving, it explains how to accurately resume production of discontinued components, and The products that are finally restored are exactly the same as the original ones.
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