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Evaluating zero-drift amplifier performance

Total of 1 lesson ,6 minutes and 12 seconds

Analog applications increasingly require better accuracy and drift performance due to improvements in data converter resolution and economic drives to reduce or eliminate periodic calibrations. For such high-sensitivity measurement systems, zero-drift amplifiers that achieve millivolt (mV) accuracy and excellent low-frequency noise are ideal. Many zero-drift op amps currently on the market have excellent specifications, but the "offset cancellation" circuitry used in their designs can cause signal artifacts that can significantly degrade performance. In many practical applications, especially those using ADCs or even moderate-level source impedances, these amplifiers will not achieve the accuracy claimed in their data sheets. The LTC®2057 is designed to provide excellent zero-drift performance and suppress signal artifacts to very low levels. These features enable usability and real-world performance in the LTC2057 that far exceeds that of competing amplifiers.

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