• Duration:1 hours and 38 minutes and 54 seconds
  • Date:2021/05/06
  • Uploader:hi5
Signal integrity is a term familiar to engineers in the electronics industry. After 20 years of development, its content and research objects have undergone profound changes. From the early years, it mainly focused on the timing and signal vertical parameter testing of parallel buses to the eye diagram and jitter testing of differential signals at the Gbps level, and then to today's more and more signal processing and equalization technologies at the dozens of Gbps level. Today, there are still Accompanied by the increasingly important power integrity testing and analysis and signal integrity testing across time and frequency domains. Over the past 20 years, Keysight Technologies (and its predecessor Agilent Electronic Measurement Division) has grown together with the digital test industry with excellent products and solutions. Today, it has developed into the latest full series of hardware 10bit ADC oscilloscopes with bandwidths spanning 500MHz-110GHz, MXR How can the two series of UXR and UXR perfectly answer the above problems and challenges?
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