• Duration:1 minutes and 23 seconds
  • Date:2013/06/13
  • Uploader:chenyy
Don’t worry about hanging up an important call by touching your face to the screen—Cypress TrueTouch® Gen4 touchscreen controllers provide perfect proximity sensing to avoid accidental touches
Cypress Semiconductor’s TrueTouch® Gen4 family of touchscreen controllers now offers a variety of advanced features. For example, the proximity detection function can turn off the screen when an object approaches the touch screen to avoid accidental touches. This capacitive proximity sensing feature eliminates the need for infrared sensors, significantly reducing costs.
The Gen4 TMA466 controller has a proximity sensing function that can detect objects such as the user's face within a maximum distance of 25 mm, thereby suspending the touch detection function to prevent the user from causing malfunctions when the user's face touches the touch screen when making a phone call. At the same time, it also notifies the main processor to turn off the display in order to save power and extend battery life. This feature eliminates the need for a separate infrared proximity sensor, reducing system cost.
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