• Duration:34 minutes and 38 seconds
  • Date:2021/01/07
  • Uploader:hi5
Continuous innovation and breakthroughs in technology have given rise to IoT systems with higher frequency, lower latency, and higher integration. In such systems, antennas and sensors, as the tentacles and nerves of the IoT ecosystem, are the key to promoting the entire application. An extremely important component for efficient system operation. As a global leader in technology and manufacturing, TE has always been at the forefront of technological innovation. Its stable and reliable new generation antenna series products are even more powerful for popular IoT applications such as smart tracking and smart buildings. TE's sensors and connection technologies are also increasingly relevant for today's The connected world plays a crucial role. TE strategic partner, the world's leading distributor of electronic product components and development services – element14 will work with TE to provide you with a comprehensive interpretation of the latest IoT smart antenna design trends, and focus on the latest application cases of sensors in the IoT to help You unleash the unlimited potential of IoT applications!
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