Electric vehicle chargers are often combined with energy storage systems to better manage power drawn from the grid. By using optimized isolated gate drivers, engineers can take full advantage of power modules and discrete devices to provide reliable control of Mosfets. This webinar will focus on ON Semiconductor's gate drivers and discuss how to optimize the gate drive voltage design for speed, thereby minimizing switching losses and taking full advantage of the device. It will also explain the problems that may be encountered when using gate drivers and how to deal with them. Finally, a series of new products will be shared with you for engineers to choose.
[i=s]This post was last edited by haha丶 on 2021-7-9 10:10[/i]As shown in the figure, this is about using a signal generator and a spectrum analyzer to estimate the gain of an antenna by its transmit a
There was a discussion about operating systems before, which sparked the idea of [url]https://en.eeworld.com/bbs/thread-93169-1-1.html[/url] bench. Are you interested in joining him? :lol
I'm looking for the COG-16265 -I2C data sheet!!! And its related information!!! Use 51 I/O port to simulate I2C interface and connect it. If there is a program for COG-16265 -I2C and 51, it would be b