When developing a USB flash drive firmware program, I don't know what action the USB flash drive should take after receiving the format command? What is the principle and process of formatting? Thank
[i=s]This post was last edited by cquwuqiang on 2016-7-23 10:50[/i] Sign up for the STM32 National Seminar now and take home three gifts! [url]http://www.stmcu.org/module/forum/thread-606886-1-1.html[
[font=楷体_GB2312][size=5][color=black]According to the China Semiconductor Industry Association, as of 2005, China's automotive chip supply capacity was zero. So, what factors are keeping Chinese IC de
I've been playing with an HDMI decoder recently. The decoder is connected to an LCD TV to display the video source I have collected. When there is no decoding, color bars appear on the TV, but a clear