• Duration:1 minutes and 32 seconds
  • Date:2020/08/26
  • Uploader:橙色凯
Analog Devices offers a complete portfolio of products and solutions for the energy storage and power conversion markets. Powering and monitoring the energy cloud begins with a focus on renewable energy; ADI products are ideally suited for solar inverters and wind turbine converters. Energy storage systems (ESS) make solar and wind energy dispatchable by storing energy when demand is low and distributing it when demand increases. From state-of-the-art battery management systems (BMS) to high-voltage power converters, ADI's technology addresses high-accuracy voltage monitoring, current monitoring, and cell balancing using its leading multi-cell battery pack monitors and coulomb counters question. We also use cutting-edge technology in SiC and GaN power switches and isolated gate drivers for isolated communication ICs, based on our proprietary iCoupler technology.
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