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  • Duration:15 minutes and 1 seconds
  • Date:2020/07/14
  • Uploader:hi5
Human-computer interaction and machine vision are two very hot topics in the market right now. It can be applied to many scenarios such as smart home, industrial control, and building automation. Currently, the solutions for these two fields on the market are inseparable from AI control and image processing. However, AI control requires cloud support and has high requirements on the device network environment. Ordinary CPUs are also stretched in terms of processing and recognition of high-definition images. .
Renesas Electronics has launched unique e-AI technology and DRP technology to address these pain points, which can perfectly solve these two problems. e-AI technology can put aside the troubles of the cloud and complete the AI ​​inference process locally on the device, reducing environmental requirements and improving computing efficiency; DRP technology is a hardware-level computing module. Unlike FPGA, it can be controlled by software. The algorithm that controls it greatly improves the flexibility of hardware computing resources. Taken together, these two technologies of Renesas Electronics not only provide high performance, but also ensure excellent cost performance. They must be your best choice in human-computer interaction and machine vision.
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