1. Description2. Development environment setup2.1 Download ESP-IDF environment2.2 Compile code2.3 Program burning and verification3. ESP32-C3 LED analysis4. Use WiFi function5. Summary1. DescriptionES
http://www.matwei.de/eng/index.php?page1=elektronik&page2=usbispThe USBisp is another AVR programmer. Compared to the other freely available programmers out there mine has some advantages, I think:USB
1 Introduction With the continuous development of single-chip microcomputer and computer technology, the application of single-chip microcomputer has also developed from independent single machine to
[p=26, null, left][font=Arial][size=14px][color=#000000][backcolor=white]Many articles do not clearly explain the jumper differences caused by the differences in the two chip and circuit board version