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  • Duration:21 minutes and 16 seconds
  • Date:2019/12/07
  • Uploader:木犯001号
keywords: ARM Embedded bus
With the advent of the Internet 3.0 era, the Internet of Things is redefining the lifestyle and work style of the new economic world. Intelligent terminal implantation technology based on embedded microprocessor system design technology will create rich " Smart Touchpoints”. The study of this course will help you enter the technical palace of embedded microprocessor system design and understand the working principles and design methods of intelligent terminals in the Internet of Things.
Through the study of this course, you can help you understand the structure and working principles of microprocessor systems, master the software and hardware design methods of embedded microprocessor systems (SoC systems) represented by ARM, and initially possess the knowledge of computers and embedded microsystems. Analytical and application skills.
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