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[i=s]This post was last edited by lugl4313820 on 2022-3-27 13:43[/i][Preface] First of all, I would like to thank EEWORLD for trusting me again, and thank Yawuli Company for providing the support of A
A common method for measuring high-value resistors ( up to 10 17 W ) is to apply a constant voltage [1] and then measure the resulting current. In general, the higher the voltage used, the more accura
a) Purpose: basic PWM output and interrupt coordination application. The output uses PB1, configured as TIM3_CH4, which is the LED6 control pin of the target board. b) For simple PWM output applicatio
[i=s]This post was last edited by ljj3166 on 2017-4-26 10:39[/i] A shameless picture is posted here I don’t know if Xinpang will protest to EEWorld about this picture. If you are sensitive, please del
TMS320F2812 turntable control systemFirst, three pictures:The main task of the servo system is to control the position of the controlled object.The ultimate goal of the servo system is to accurately c
据外媒报道,自动驾驶汽车预计将于2026年在英国上路,萨里大学(University of Surrey)和中国复旦大学开发出一种新型运动预测框架,有望使自动驾驶汽车更安全、更智能。 图片来源:萨里大学 研究人员结合专业知识创建出RealMotion——一种新颖的训练系统,可将历史和实时场景数据与背景和基于时间的信息无缝集成,为更高效、更可靠的自动驾驶汽车技术铺平道...
随着锂离子电池越来越多地应用于电动汽车和电网级储能,市场对锂的需求也在迅速增长。从地热盐水等替代水源中提取锂对于满足这一需求起着重要作用。电化学插层是一种很有前途的锂提取技术,因为它能够提供高锂选择性并避免使用刺激性的化学再生剂。 据外媒报道,乔治华盛顿大学(The George Washington University)的研究人员与其他机构合作,开发出一种创新方法,可...
近期,由我国联合德国、日本、韩国、英国等国共同研制的多项智能网联汽车国际标准提案在国际标准化组织(ISO)成功立项,包括车门开启预警系统试验方法(ISO 25354)、后方交通穿行提示系统试验方法(ISO 25355)、组合驾驶辅助系统试验方法(ISO PAS 11585-2)及自动驾驶场景自然语言描述方法(ISO PAS 34507)4项驾驶辅助或自动驾驶相关标准。...