• Duration:40 minutes and 45 seconds
  • Date:2019/06/13
  • Uploader:老白菜
keywords: parallel computing
Parallel computing is one of the core contents in the parallel algorithm teaching system. It is the basic level of algorithm application in the parallel algorithm teaching system. It is aimed at senior undergraduate students majoring in computer science or graduate students engaged in computing science. It is designed to adapt to high-level students. The rapid development of high-performance computers meets the country's needs for cultivating high-tech talents for the 21st century. To this end, this course strives to be innovative in its content system. While following the course's own discipline, systematization, and completeness, it should fully consider the needs of solving large-scale scientific engineering problems on parallel computers in different application fields, and combine parallel computers with The contents of courses such as architecture, parallel numerical computing, parallel algorithms and parallel programming are organically integrated to form a new type of parallel computing course in China.
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