The Nios II series soft-core processor is Altera's second-generation FPGA embedded processor with performance exceeding 200 DMIPS. The video explains the use of NIOS ii through practical projects of hello world, PIO, UART, and SDRAM.
I especially want to know whether chips with Bluetooth 4.0 and above have built-in MCU, and how to set up and work this built-in MCU. Thank you very much, experts.
I want to use the signal generated by DDS to drive the piezoelectric ceramic to resonate at a resonant frequency of 1MHz after power amplification, thereby generating ultrasonic waves, but I don't kno
Thanks to wangjiafu1985 for providing a good information :
《构建嵌入式LINUX系统》,見: is the original text of this work collected before for
The following prompt appears when KEIL is compiled:
startup_NUC472_442.s: error: A1023E: File "..\..\..\Library\Device\Nuvoton\NUC472_442\Source\ARM\startup_NUC472_442.s" could not be opened: No such
I am using the S3C2410 board, which has two LEDs. The following program cannot make the LED light up. #include "2410addr.h" void Delay(void); void Main(void) { rGPDCON = 0x55555555; rGPDUP = 0x0; whil