I am using arm-linux-gcc-3.3.2 system fedora. The error is as follows: not recognized: failed to merge target specific data of file /usr/local/arm/3.3.2/lib/gcc-lib/arm-linux/ 3.3.2/libgcc.a(_udivdi3.
[color=#00ff][size=5]Event Details >> [/size][/color][size=5][url=https://www.eeworld.com.cn/huodong/201408_EXP430FR5969/]TI's First Low Power Design Competition - Play with MSP430 FRAM MCU! [/url][/s
Data cards are essential image storage devices for digital cameras, but they also need to be bridged through various access devices to import image data into computers and then distribute them to the
I am making a full-screen preview application for the camera on a mobile phone. I need to have several icons on the full-screen preview window to control taking photos and recording videos. I don't kn
My teacher asked me to draw an up-converter board...I didn't consider the external inductance of the VCO when I drew the first version. My senior brother suggested to use solder to adjust the size of
Keysight Technologies 1688 Online Store March Blockbuster Flash Sale Product: N9000A Signal Analyzer [/size][/font][/align][align=center][font=Microsoft YaHei][size=3] [/size][/font][/align][align=cen