Has anyone done an experiment on microcontroller reading and writing USB flash drives? I want to read the txt file stored in the USB flash drive with a microcontroller and then process the data. I don
[i=s]This post was last edited by dcexpert on 2020-7-11 19:30[/i]When testing ESP32-S2-Saola-1, I found that the official flash downlaod tools and esptool could not erase the flash. Once the erase ope
I used to work on hardware design and driver development, but now I am assigned to work on upper-level applications. I am slightly familiar with C and C++, but not with EVC. I know nothing about MFC,
When amplifying a 1MHz signal, can the gain-bandwidth product of the differential amplifier circuit reach 20MHz? What is the idea behind designing this circuit? Thank you!