• Duration:31 minutes and 7 seconds
  • Date:2018/10/31
  • Uploader:hi5
Modern household appliances are becoming more and more like living, breathing entities, able to adapt and respond to the surrounding environment and occupants, which means that future homes need to have more connections and stronger perception capabilities. Whether from connecting the motor in a hand whisk to a sensor in a smart refrigerator, or from turning on the heating element in the stove to protecting the wiring harness in the dishwasher, TE has a wide range of standard products and has accumulated experience in a large number of industry applications . So, how can we systematically empower household appliances? What are the emerging application trends in the industry? How to design more energy-saving, water-saving and time-saving household appliances? Mouser teamed up with the senior product application engineer of the TE Home Appliances Division and the senior product engineer of the heat shrink tubing of the Home Appliances Division to tell us about the research and development of home appliances.
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