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  • Process description and process status changes (Part 1)
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  • Duration:39 minutes and 54 seconds
  • Date:2018/10/21
  • Uploader:老白菜
keywords: Linux operating system OS

(1) Operating system operating mechanism, interrupt/exception handling process, system calls and system usage interfaces. In class, we focus on explaining the operating mechanism of the operating system kernel function program, using analogies with daily life to explain the function of interrupts and implementation technology, using the actual operating system interface to demonstrate operating system utility programs, and allowing students to write a shell command interpreter in the after-school experiment. Understand system usage interfaces and use system calls in programming.

(2) Process concept, process switching and process scheduling. The actual operating system is used to demonstrate process creation and termination, and operating system tools are used to observe the properties of processes in the system and the rotation of processes. Classroom explanations emphasize the timing and methods of process scheduling switching, and multi-process programming is implemented in after-class experiments.
(3) Synchronous mutual exclusion primitives and applications. Heuristic explanation of the introduction of synchronized mutual exclusion primitives, some imperfect mutual exclusion implementations, guiding students to find out the shortcomings or errors of limited concurrency or inability to be mutually exclusive, and to find effective solutions. Use examples to repeatedly explain the application of primitives.
(4) Address translation and page replacement in paged virtual storage management. Put forward requirements from the perspective of user-friendly programming, introduce technology from the perspective of making full use of memory, and inspire students to understand the implementation of storage virtualization technology.
(5) The composition, function and interface of the driver, disk driver and request optimization, and caching technology. Use actual operating system driver files to enhance students' impressions, and use the operating system's delay or acceleration in reading and writing files and executing programs to illustrate disk request optimization and caching techniques.
(6) The directory structure and file storage and access permission mechanism of the file system. The file system is introduced by analogy with storage management, emphasizing the persistence characteristics of the file system, summarizing the security access mechanism of storage, and guiding students to understand operating system resource virtualization technology.
(7) Thread concept and thread implementation. The classroom uses actual operating systems to demonstrate threads, emphasizing the difference between threads and processes. The experiment advocates the use of threads for multi-programming, and compares the cost and security differences between multi-thread and multi-process programming.

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