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Homemade multimedia active speaker 01

Source: InternetPublisher:containsmachine Keywords: Active speakers A15 BSP Updated: 2021/02/14

38. Homemade multimedia<strong>Active speakers</strong>01.gif

TD A15 24A is mainly suitable for HJ. The DC volume and tone balance control
6 in the Fi audio system avoids the noise caused by directly using a potentiometer to adjust the volume and tone, and only one potentiometer is used to complete the
two-channel volume, tone and balance control. In addition, TDA1524A also has the ability to handle overload of strong input signals
to avoid overload distortion. For low-level input signals , the volume control button of TDA1524A can also provide a maximum gain of 21.5dB.
    LM1877 is an op-amp type two-channel audio power amplifier, which is particularly suitable for use with the TD A15
24A circuit , I. M1877 has a complete output current limiting and overheating switching protection circuit, and is equipped with
auxiliary circuits such as "beep" noise elimination, voltage stabilization bias and mid-point bias, so the LM1877 only requires very few peripheral components to organize High quality Hi-Fi audio power




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