Linux multi-threading technology, one of the commonly used technologies in embedded development, makes better use of resources and makes your program respond faster. In the multi-core era, it allows you to achieve true parallelism.
[size=4]Many friends are learning or want to learn single-chip microcomputers, but after reading some materials, they either feel that they don’t know what to learn or can’t find the next learning met
Before calling the GetAdaptersInfo function, I called WSAStartup to initialize the Socket environment. The initialization environment was successful, but the call to GetAdaptersInfo failed, and the er
I have been doing this test for a while, and the vga test has not been successful. As a result of the test, I still recorded the process. As for the reason, I analyzed it for a long time but got no re
[i=s]This post was last edited by chrisrh on 2018-12-29 18:32[/i] First, turn on the Bluetooth on the board and wait for the connection; Then download the Android or IOS APP on your phone and turn on
According to my suggestion, the posts are categorized as follows:
I2C Module:
1: LM3s learning notes I2C learning to drive the water lamp