Linux multi-threading technology, one of the commonly used technologies in embedded development, makes better use of resources and makes your program respond faster. In the multi-core era, it allows you to achieve true parallelism.
At present, the configuration is CACHE_setL2Mode(CACHE_64KCACHE); CACHE_enableCaching(CACHE_CE30); in CMD, vectors: o = 00000000h l = 00000200h BOOTRAM: o = 00000200h l = 00000200h IRAMP: o = 00000400
As the title says. I customized a PB, compiled it, and exported the SDK, but should this SDK be installed in the installation directory of VS2005? ? (The development tool I use is VS2005, but it is th
(1) Many TI charging chips have D+/D- detection or PSEL detection, which distinguishes the type of power supply (adapter or USB HOST device) through detection, so as to set the input current limit. Su