• Duration:48 minutes and 56 seconds
  • Date:2018/05/03
  • Uploader:老白菜
Chapter 1 Introduction
Main content: definition and basic characteristics of embedded systems, architecture, development status and trends, and applications.
Chapter 2 Design Methodology of Embedded Systems
Main content: Traditional design methods of embedded systems, software and hardware co-design, formal methods, design process, and case analysis.
Chapter 3 Embedded Processors
Main content: Basic information, characteristics, classification of embedded processors, typical embedded processors, development trends and selection principles, ARM microprocessors and programming models.
Chapter 4 Storage System
Main contents: Storage device organization and typical memories, memory timing analysis, memory interface and hardware design.
Chapter 5 Bus and Communication Interface
Main content: Bus definition and classification, PCI bus, RS232C communication interface, RS485 bus, USB bus.
Chapter 6 I/O Interface Circuit
Main content: Overview of I/O interface, interrupt controller, DMA controller, GPIO, timer/counter, UART interface and hardware design.
Chapter 7
Main contents of embedded operating system: definition, classification and composition of embedded operating system, real-time system and real-time operating system, typical embedded operating system, μC/OS-II operating system, μClinux operating system, embedded system development mode.
Chapter 8 Advanced Technology of Embedded Systems
Main content: reliability design, low power consumption design, security design, embedded system analysis and optimization, high-performance embedded computing, typical case introduction.
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