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  • Basic knowledge of serial communication and how to use UART driver components
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  • Duration:11 minutes and 22 seconds
  • Date:2018/03/06
  • Uploader:老白菜
Microcontrollers are the "brains" of modern intelligent systems and the industrial Internet of Things, and are the technical core of embedded systems. In accordance with the basic principles of "faster entry time, less hardware cost, standardized software and hardware materials, more knowledge elements, and lower learning difficulty", this course chooses the popular 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+ KL series MCU as the model, with embedded Based on the idea of ​​embedded software engineering, the design of hardware components and underlying software components is the main line, and the intelligentization of electronic systems is gradually explained in accordance with the lines of "general knowledge - driver component usage methods - test examples - chip programming structure - component design methods" Software and hardware design for embedded applications. It enables readers to gradually master the basic knowledge elements, basic principles and design methods of embedded systems, obtain the basic context of embedded systems, lay a solid foundation for software and hardware design, gradually learn the software and hardware design of intelligent embedded applications of electronic systems, and strengthen practical training. .

The teaching books for this course are the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" national planning textbook for general higher education and the key textbook for colleges and universities in Jiangsu Province "Embedded Technology Fundamentals and Practice (4th Edition) - ARM Cortex-M0+ KL Series Microcontrollers" (Wang Yihuai et al. (author), this textbook has been refined for more than ten years, carefully sorting out the general basic knowledge elements of embedded systems, focusing on grasping the balance between general knowledge and chip-related knowledge, grasping the relationship between hardware and software, and component-based packaging of the underlying driver. , design reasonable test cases, provide hardware core boards, and write debuggers. The online CD-ROM provides complete underlying driver component packaging programs and test cases for all modules, making it convenient for readers to practice and apply.
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