[i=s]This post was last edited by Aguilera on 2017-3-15 22:35[/i] [p=30, null, left][font=宋体][font=Verdana][color=#000000]At the heart of many control systems, digital-to-analog converters (DACs) play
How to simulate this sound source circuit diagram using multisim [img] wAADsMAAA7DAcdv
There is a problem with the short messages automatically sent by the system these days. They cannot be opened. I don’t know what the reason is. I hope the administrator can correct it.
My platform is wince5.0+pxa270. During the initialization of the network card chip, after reading the 0x3300 flag, I read the ID#, but it was always wrong. Most of the time it was 0, and sometimes it