TC9153P-Electronic sound control integrated circuit
Source: InternetPublisher:newrudeman Keywords: integrated circuit Updated: 2021/10/26
TC 9153P is an optimally designed C2MOS electronic volume control integrated circuit , mainly used for electronic volume control of audio equipment.
1. TC9153 indoor circuit block diagram and pin functions The internal circuit of TC9153P integrated block is mainly composed of clock oscillation circuit, conversion circuit, electronic switch circuit, 6-bit and 7-bit circuits, etc. The internal circuit block diagram and pin functions of the integrated block are as follows shown. The TC9153P integrated circuit adopts a dual-row 16-pin plug-in package. The operating voltage of each pin is listed in the table.
2. Main electrical parameters of TC9153P The operating power supply voltage range of TC9153P integrated circuit is: 5~12 V; the main electrical parameters measured under the conditions of Vcc=12 V, Vss=OV, Ta=25℃ are listed in Table 13-73. The IC can be powered by either positive or negative (+, one) or single power supply; due to the C2COM structure, it has a wide operating voltage range and low current consumption (Vcc=5~12 V. IDD=1~3 mA).
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3. TC9153P typical application circuit TC9153P integrated block is usually used in conjunction with the microprocessor TC9150P. The typical application circuit of its integrated block is the same as the typical application circuit of TC9150P.
4. Circuit working process TC9153P relies on the internal oscillator and the increase/decrease pin (pin) to control the attenuation. The control range is 0~-68 dB, divided into 32 levels (2 dB per level). Because the initial state of power-on is attenuation of -46 dB, not the maximum or minimum, this ensures a moderate volume output when turned on. Pin ③ of TC9153P is the audio signal input terminal, and the signal after volume control is output from pin ⑥. The control process is controlled by the output signals of pins ⑤ and ⑥ of the microprocessor . (1) When the TC9153P9 pin is controlled to a low level, it starts to oscillate, and the volume inside the IC changes to increase (the sound gradually becomes louder). (2) When the TC9153P ⑩ pin is controlled to a low level, the internal volume of the IC will decrease.
5. If the troubleshooting prompts that the volume is low or non-existent, you can use a 10 μF capacitor to connect ③ and pin 6 of TC9153P. If the sound returns to normal, it means that the TC 9153P is internally damaged.
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