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  • Volume micromachining technology—steady-state deep etching
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  • Duration:6 minutes and 44 seconds
  • Date:2017/11/28
  • Uploader:老白菜
This course comprehensively introduces the basic theory, analysis and design methods, manufacturing technology, typical products and devices of MEMS, and attempts to master miniaturization technology through this course. Course content includes basic mechanics and physics, micromachining technology, packaging integration technology, sensors, actuators, RF MEMS, optical MEMS and BioMEMS and microfluidics.
The course emphasizes the combination of design and manufacturing, the combination of cutting-edge and basic; it focuses on extracting basic, key and common knowledge, emphasizes the application of basic theories and manufacturing methods in different fields, and closely integrates cutting-edge academic research and product development trends in the industry.
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