[table] [tr][td]First create a project directory and copy public files: copy the library directory in the FWlib directory in the STM32 software library to the directory of the project to be built[/td]
[i=s] This post was last edited by paulhyde on 2014-9-15 04:15 [/i] Dear brothers and sisters who participated in the national competition, can you show us your past works? I am a rookie and would lik
#define LED_ADJ 16#define LED_IOCON (0xFFLED_ADJ)#define LED_OFF()IO1SET=LED_IOCON#define LED_DISP(dat) LED_OFF(); IO1CLR=((dat)LED_ADJ)What do these four lines of code mean?Also, is there any differe
I would like to ask if the input voltage of ST's L7915CV reaches -26V, the output voltage can no longer be stabilized at -15V? (The situation is like this, I tested the 5 ST L7915s I bought yesterday,
Charging pile EVHEV power supply technology and its magnetic component technology design training materials[b] [url = https://download.eeworld.com.cn/download/qwqwqw2088/563602] [img] // 2.eewimg.cn /
Printed circuit board (PCB) is a substrate for assembling electronic parts. It is a printed board with point connections and printed components formed on a general substrate according to a predetermin